Ahoy, mateys! Ready your sea legs and set sail for a night of swashbuckling revelry at the Tampa Bay Pirates Rum Fest on January 27th! Hosted by the legendary JerkHut Island Grille & Beach Club, this event promises to be a treasure trove of flavor, music, and, of course, the finest rum Tampa Bay has to offer.
The festivities kick off at 10 PM and will continue until the wee hours of the morning, ensuring a night filled with spirited camaraderie and Caribbean vibes. The air will be infused with the tantalizing beats of Caribbean Syndicate and DJ Spice, compelling all scallywags to hit the dance floor and shake a peg leg or two.
For more info, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tampa-bay-pirates-rum-fest-tickets-805140255177?aff=erellivmlt